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Wijdekerk encourages

Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. Romans 15:2


On this page and on our Youtube channel, we will regularly upload encouragements or reflections. The preachers, clergymen and lecturers of different denominations share these wholeheartedly and particularly for YOU. We hope that these messages will encourage you and give you food for thought. We hope that you, yourself will encourage people around you as well, because together we are the church!

Wees wie je bent, de moeite waard!

Theo Koster


Jij bent mij alles waard

Jeroen Koornstra


Ik hou van jou, juist zoals je bent!

Eus Ekelmans


Ik wil mijn excuses maken

Alexander Veerman


Beelddrager zijn van God

Theo Koster


Want alzo lief heeft God de wereld

Gilbert Thera  ( Re-connect )


God is niet de kerk

Ds Jaap Ophoff


Je kunt God recht in de ogen kijken!

Wieger Sikkema


samen zijn wijdekerk
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