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On our website, we'd like to show how LGBT+ people and other people involved, experience their congregations. Therefore, we are looking for personal stories about what these experiences did to you. The stories we're not looking for are missionary stories and/or stories of people who have distinct opinions about homosexuality and religion. Converting is not our purpose. Our purpose is to show our website visitors what it's like to be accepted or not accepted as an LGBT+ person within the church. With the stories, we hope to open an honest, open, and respectful discussion that respects the opinions of all people involved. 


We are glad that we can also put your story on our website. We, team Wijdekerk, find it very important that all stories, regardless of our opinion, can be posted. As the author, you are responsible for the content of your own story at all times


Before we put your story on the website, your story will be edited by an editor of our team. Which means that we will correct language errors and rewrite only when strictly necessary. When your story is being edited, naturally we respect the content of your story at all times. Before publication, you'll receive the edited text for approval. Please, let us know when you wish to remain anonymous.


We ask for your email address so we can contact about the editorial process.


We thank you in advance for sharing your story with us on our website!

samen zijn wijdekerk

Wijdekerk Foundation


CoC : 70255547

IBAN : NL78 RABO 0197 9480 06

RSIN : 858217946



© Copyright 2016-2025 | Wijdekerk Foundation


We believe it is important that everyone can share his/her story here. These stories do not necessarily reflect the opinions of our team members. We aim not to judge, but to accept one another in love, as Jesus Christ teaches.


Authors are responsible for the content of their own stories. We, as a team, try our best to publish correct and authentic contributions on our website. If you discover any mistakes or inconsistencies, we ask you to notify us through our contact form. We will correct any mistakes as soon as we can.



Any information given to us is handled as strictly confidential. Personal information and addresses are only used for the purposes agreed to by you. 

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