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Wij de ouders

National network for parents of LGBT+ people

Your child came out of the closet. This can be a time of uncertainty, for you as well as for your child. Having an LGBT+ child involves something like a coming out experience for yourself as well.


Wijdekerk is there for LGBT+ people and their loved ones, including their parents. So many questions pop up when your child comes out. A closeted or openly LGBT+ child can be vulnerable. It's important to respond to them with God's love. We want to offer you our support in this process.

You're also confronted with your congregation. Not every Christian knows how to respond in a constructive or supportive way to your LGBT+ child. There's so much more to say on the topic than some Christians will have you believe. Wijdekerk believes that there is a way of acceptance, love and confirmation for our children. You're not alone.


'Wij de ouders' (We are the parents) wants​ to be a safe place. It's a space for conversation, listening to each other and sharing your experiences. This is done in several ways, through:

  • a private Facebook group

  • bimonthly meetings

  • a national meet up day every first Saturday of October

  • general point of contact

  • regional points of contact​



Do you have a question, or do you need someone who listens to you? Click here for our list of parents in your neighbourhood. They like it to be there for you.


If you, as a parent, are further along in the process or if you have no problems with the combination of LGBT+ issues and your Christian faith, we also would like to come into contact with you. We need parents who want to connect with and support orther parents. Please get in contact with Paula Blokhuis.


The planned meetings can be found under OuderTijden further on this page.


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Do you have a question, are you interested in our parent network, do you want to help, or do you need someone who listens to you? Please contact Paula Blokhuis.

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Bedankt voor de inzending!

samen zijn wijdekerk

Wijdekerk Foundation


CoC : 70255547

IBAN : NL78 RABO 0197 9480 06

RSIN : 858217946



© Copyright 2016-2025 | Wijdekerk Foundation


We believe it is important that everyone can share his/her story here. These stories do not necessarily reflect the opinions of our team members. We aim not to judge, but to accept one another in love, as Jesus Christ teaches.


Authors are responsible for the content of their own stories. We, as a team, try our best to publish correct and authentic contributions on our website. If you discover any mistakes or inconsistencies, we ask you to notify us through our contact form. We will correct any mistakes as soon as we can.



Any information given to us is handled as strictly confidential. Personal information and addresses are only used for the purposes agreed to by you. 

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