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Wijdekerk informs
In some of our stories, authors refer to articles or research. Whenever possible, we include a link to the article or research that is mentioned below the story. In some cases, this is not possible, but we do have access to the article or research. In these cases, we refer to this page. You can find the article or research here.
Stichting Wijdekerk - Beleidsplan 2019 - 2021
Amando Branco - Fotoproject met gelovige LHBT-ers in Winq
Anne de Groot - Uit de kast. Uit de Kerk?
Anne de Groot - Homoseksualiteit: Zonde of zegen?
Carl Buijs (Transvisie) en prof. dr. Heleen Zorgdrager (PThU) - Transgender, kerk en geloof. brochure Protestanse Kerk augustus 2017

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