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Wijdekerk links therapists

We provide a variety of links on our page to careproviders and coaches. Our LGBT+ members and friends have have had good experiences with these allies. We add links only if we have received positive references. Of course this does not guarantee it to be a good fit for you. Make sure you research their websites and do you own due diligence as you evaluate where this is a good fit for you. We hope you find appropriate support opportunities either through these links or on our website. You deserve the best.


Suïcidepreventie voor Kerken (SvK) / Prevent Suicide Organisation For Churches is to give support in terms to prevent suicide, practised by churches. The schemes and  consultations of SvK are also useful for intermediary, for it is suicide that is being centred on our website. Unfortunately, not always can suicide be prevented, neither can it be when one is capable of knowing the first signs. But every suicide that can be prevented, is worth it all. 

Are you struggling with thoughts about suicide? Click here for direct assistance at

Agape Coach 

When you are different, it's not always easy to live in the most beautiful way. The question: "Who am I?", is sometimes difficult to answer when you've never feel safe enough and have no space to explore who you are, and to be who you are. As a counsellor, I help people who are different than others, to explore and accept their identity trough the love of God. From there, we search together with God, for the path where they can be who they are in the most beautiful way. God didn't create anyone to try live to be someone else. 
You can only radiate God's love when you live your true self.


Robert van Mierlo.

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What are you and who are you? Can you be your true self? Who are you when you live the way you are? Those are major questions and well, what does it mean when you can or cannot be yourself? My passion is to help people with these existential questions, to bring out the best in them. You can bring out the best of yourself when you experience  unity within your life. Then you are healthy and vital to face life. With my own life experience, I'd like to walk with you for a while. Because humans are without hesitation the most beautiful creatures. So are you!

Els van der Naalt 

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Colour your heart

Compassion, heart-to-heart connections, harmony and love.  That is who I am.  I love to challenge myself,  to fill my heart with colors through reading, to develop and grow and invite others in. My life grows from knowing an intimate God who desires to fill every heart with a full spectrum of colors. That vision reveals every human being as unique and valuable. You matter!  You were created with your very own “heart colors”.  Sometime life doesn’t unfold as we hoped or expected, and you lose track of those colors.  Maybe you can keep all the balls in the air and life overwhelms you.  With the correct insight into yourself and His love change is possible!  As mother with a “non-standard” family I experienced that too.  There is room for your story in a safe, warm, and non-judgmental space where everything can live.

Love, Jacqueline Riedijk


Als geaardheidscoach coacht Diana Arkeveld vrouwen, mannen en stellen met vragen rondom geaardheid. Zij is gespecialiseerd in het begeleiden van vrouwen met lesbische/biseksueel gevoelens in een hetero huwelijk én in het op latere leeftijd uit de kast komen. Kenmerkend in haar coaching is haar sterke analytische vermogen en haar doortastende manier van vragen stellen, in combinatie met een gezonde dosis humor. Ze zal snel de vinger op de zere plek leggen zonder een oordeel te hebben over jouw situatie. Dit alles op een evenwichtige, rustige en zorgzame wijze.
Diana is van huis uit HBO-verpleegkundige en is jaren lid geweest van de gereformeerd vrijgemaakte kerk. Christelijke cliënten voelen zich bij haar snel op hun gemak. Een cliënt vertelt: "Ik beveel Diana aan als coming-out-coach voor christelijke holebi's omdat zij vanuit veel empathie en respect naar het christelijk geloof kijkt. Zij dringt niemand een keuze op en ziet de positieve kanten van het christelijk geloof. Bij haar is er geen valse tegenstelling tussen geloof en geaardheid en ze kan je juist helpen om die twee in evenwicht te brengen."

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In my practice I offer massages as well as coaching. You are really welcome here, especially as an LGBT+ person…  Loving yourself because you are loved - I would love to help you look at yourself this way, however new that experience may be. You are good just the way you are. Come and see for yourself... I want to be there for you through coaching, by walking along with you for a bit, help you with your questions and encourage you. Especially in times where you can hardly see any joy, I'll be there for you, give you pure attention without any judgment. In this way I offer you a safe space in which you can work on anything that holds you back in life. So have yourself touched, either physically, by having a talk, or both.

I have also been on quite a journey: I grew up in the reformed part of the protestant church (Gereformeerde Bond). I came to faith in an Evangelical church. I got married and have two kids. I have had 'treatment' multiple times to get rid of my gay feelings - this didn't work. I haven't gone to church for many years, but now I attend the ERV in Amsterdam and I came back in the protestant church. Now I have joined Mozaïek 033.

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Lichaamsbewust massagepraktijk / Bodyconscious massage therapy 

There are many things that can happen within life an LGBTQI+ Christian. Tension, undigested emotions, and your life story which lies within your body. With massages it becomes palpable. My name is Alfred Scholten. I was raised in a Christian environment and fortunately, I found out that I can be a child of God. I run a massage therapy business which focuses on healing the contact between feeling and thinking. That way, you will feel at home with yourself again with being who you are. Massage can be relaxing for either body and mind. Are you looking for complete tranquility in mind and body? Then massage is just the thing for you! Let your body speak!

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Marjon Letter, systemic coach, LGBT+ support

I like being outside the box and out of own experience I have come to know that life will become more vibrant, creative, and richer. I focus especially on people who recognise themselves as parts of the rainbow: in or out of the closet, being in or gone out of religious community as a church, for example.

I am specialised in guiding LGBT+ specified issues regarding (self)acceptance, coming out, being LGBT+ (or their relatives) and or not combined with faith.

Mieke Kroonen, contextuele therapie en pastoraat

I like poppies. The intensely warm and deep red color that can be found in a roadside or along the edge of a meadow in the summer. As a child I picked a field bouquet for my mother on a warm summer day. Of course the beautiful red poppies in my bouquet could not be missing. Together with the yellow, white and blue it turned out beautiful! How great was my disappointment that within an hour the roses lost their vitality and strength. They had become sad flowers. I learned that poppies need to stay rooted in order to grow.


Isn't it exactly the same with us? When you have lost yourself, due to circumstances or injustice in your life, you lose your color and vitality. If you long for recovery and want to root again, you can call me or send me an email. I will then contact you and together we will see what suits you and how I can help.

Ontknoopt coaching en advies / Disentangled coaching and advice 

Getting more energy, feeling comfortable within your own skin, being connected with yourself, backing yourself up, and being able to make choices. Being seen and standing up for yourself. Finding out why the relationship with the other person can be so difficult. All of the sudden living to your wishes, you want to start on. Together on ONTKNOOPT/DISENTANGLED, we work on your coach question.
We are Roland and Liesbeth Bron, and both us are coaches. We'd like it a lot if you make an appointment with one of us. We are (evangelical) Christians and we have both studied accredited coach training. We have two children. Our daughter identifies as lesbian and has a girlfriend. We enjoy the way they are and the contact we have within our family. We are familiar with the things that might cross your path as LGBT+ parents of an LGBT+ child. Not only because of our own experience, but also from the years where Liesbeth was involved with Caritas, a support group for fathers and mothers of LGBT+ children. In a coaching program, you'll receive help to actively set out and find answers to your coach question.

Orpheus Assistance

National association for assisting homosexuality/bisexuality within man-woman relationships. For forty years, have volunteers and members been assisting and giving advice to people who have come to be aware of their homosexual feeling towards the same gender, during their heterosexual relationship. The Orpheus Association offers (experiencing and,) professional help to homosexuals in a man-woman relationships and organises throughout the county, debating meetings and information meetings in the weekends.

Pastor Gert 

Pastor Gert offers individual pastoral care for everyone. Besides, I find it really cool to bring together a group of people who are struggling with the same kind of questions, and to coach and guide them. Whether you're in a church, right now, sea bring for one or having no church to. I like to search with people for the way how faith can be practised, these days. Since 1984, I, as a pastor, practised being a inspirer, uniter, and coach. Words that describe me: openness, space, freedom, and safety. With these key words, I can come close to people, and give them reliance that together, we will find a passable way.

Gert Zomer  

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Praktijk de Terebint 

You're having many questions about your sexuality. You are welcome! 
I might be the first one in your life who think you deserve to be who you are! 
I am a psychosocial therapist, based on being a Christian myself, my own experiences, and different kinds of therapeutic approaches in Veenendaal and Zaltbommel. 
The help I offer you will be reimbursed by the supplementary sickness insurance.

Marjan Verkerk

Praktijk In Gesprek 

Praktijk in gesprek provides psychosocial support (therapy or artistic coaching) to people who can't to go on or need help to go on. Christians who also come in touch with homosexuality or people in their immediate vicinity can come to my practice InGesprek for counseling work. InGesprek has also been cooperating with Mariet Odink Kerkelijk Werk for more openness. We offer tailor-made programmes to churches or groups that want to have openness for conversations regarding gay sexuality. 
Please contact us.
His love is unconditional. It fits us well giving help, first and foremost out of love, letting go of prejudice, and seeking God's plan in life of everyone. Furthermore, out purpose is that the conversations will lead to active attitudes of love, commitment, and respect towards brothers and sisters who have faced gay sexuality.

Ellemieke Tempelaar.

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Praktijk voor Mannen / Therapy for Men

Good that you're reading this, which means that there are things happening in your life, your seek help for. Perhaps you've tried to solve your problems yourself, but are now seeking for support, help, and advice from a professional whom wants the best for you. If you seek help, you've come to the right place. My name is Jeremy Heshof and I have my own business, focused on men with requests for help in terms of (gay/bi)sexuality, faith, employment, and meaning. I graduated for HBO and I have a pre-education sexology at the Dutch academic association of sexology. I am also registered in the BIG Act (Wet BIG) and Dutch Register of Sexology (NRVS, Nederlands Register voor Seksuologie). Take a look at my website!

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Are you searching for the way in which you want to give your orientation a place, for example in relation to your family or the religious community you want to (continue to) belong to? Do you have a "pink" relationship and are you looking for a relationship therapist? Do you have a "rainbow family" and are you looking for a family therapist? Be welcome!

I am religious, lesbian, married and working as a system therapist in my own practice: Sutura. Sutura stands for attachment and connection, which are important core values for me. As a human being you do not stand on your own, but in connection with the people around you and with God, our Father. I would like to help you on your personal search, so that you can be in contact with yourself, with your loved ones and with God.


Merian van den Berg

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Vrij om te vliegen / Free to fly

As a Gestalt therapist I work with what is going on in your life at the moment. This ican be both individually and systemically. In addition to raising awareness and acceptance, we are also looking for new or different ways that are appropriate for you personally. I believe and work with confidence that it is possible to heal in this life. The basis has already been laid in you: you are unique, loved and you have received your own meaningful place. I will gladly enter into this process of healing with you. So that you too have room to spread your wings, free to fly.

From this point of view, I guide - in addition to questions about Identity - also programs concerning gender / LHBI+. As an insider I am familiar with the complexity of trans. The problems you encounter, the opposite feelings ... In all this you can hold on: you are more than your trans / LHBI + alone!
Partners, parents and loved ones can also come to me. Even though your processes are of a different caliber, your personal feelings and thoughts just as well require proper care and attention.


Jonathan Top

samen zijn wijdekerk
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