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Wijdekerk Foundation

Wijdekerk Foundation is an initiative of a group of Christians, themselves LGBT + people (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) or closely related to LGBT + people. We believe everyone should be able to be themselves in his or her church. We have combined our experiences and strengths and share them on this site.

We want to do this from our love for Jesus Christ. Together we are Wijdekerk.


Personal stories

We want to show you on this website how LGBT+ people and those closely related experience their congregation. How does it affect them when they are treated differently for being LGBT+? We call everyone to share their personal stories. We want to create understanding and would like to start an open and respectful discussion.

Besides that Wijdekerk offers a network on FacebookInstagrammail, personal meetings, TableTimewe the parents, and the annual Wijdekerk day.


Churches on the map

Wijdekerk foundation invites all congregations in The Netherlands to be open and transparent regarding their LGBTs policy. We do this by giving churches the opportunity to register and submit their church on the map by filling in a questionnaire. This way LGBT+ people can find out this policy before visiting a church.


Show what lives in the church, because together we are wijdekerk!

samen zijn wijdekerk

Wijdekerk Foundation


CoC : 70255547

IBAN : NL14 BUNQ 2205 8874 83

RSIN : 858217946




We believe it is important that everyone can share his/her story here. These stories do not necessarily reflect the opinions of our team members. We aim not to judge, but to accept one another in love, as Jesus Christ teaches.


Authors are responsible for the content of their own stories. We, as a team, try our best to publish correct and authentic contributions on our website. If you discover any mistakes or inconsistencies, we ask you to notify us through our contact form. We will correct any mistakes as soon as we can.



Any information given to us is handled as strictly confidential. Personal information and addresses are only used for the purposes agreed to by you. 

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