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Wijdekerk in word and image
Sometimes what occupies you and what you experience is very difficult to express in just a story. By telling it in the form of, for example, a poem and combining it with a photo, a painting, a drawing or an artwork, it can suddenly start to speak even more. That is why Wijdekerk offers space for personal stories, as well as room to tell your story by playing creatively with words and images.

Andy Kockelkoren

Ware gelovigen
Jan Stuijver


Andy Kockelkoren

De duivel
Andy Kockelkoren

Kerstwens 2018
Hester van Beers

Ons denken
Andy Kockelkoren

Geliefd kind, zo gewenst
Simone van der Sluis

Nieuwe mij
Andy Kockelkoren

Niet van liefde los
Andy Kockelkoren

Van gisteren naar morgen
Andy Kockelkoren

Hallo oude mij
Andy Kockelkoren

Andy Kockelkoren

Gerdien Ridderhof

Vanuit Mijn liefde

Ik maak je vrij
Hester van Beers

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