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Objectives, Privacy and ANBI

Objectives Wijdekerk foundation


1. Looking after the interests of LGBT+ people and their surroundings in Christian circles in the Netherlands and making sure that everybody is treated equally within all churches of the Netherlands.

2. Calling for churches to provide information about their policy towards LGBT+ people.

3. Providing a platform to create awareness about the done damage towards LGBT+ people in various Christian circles.

4. Organising activities for LGBT+ people to be heard and taking their righteous position in the face of God.

5. Connecting LGBT+ Christians. 

6. Creating a platform for LGBT+ people to share their stories without censorship. Safety and the possibility of anonymity are important too us.

7. All activities that contribute to working towards the above points. 


Our activities and financial report are found in our  policy plan (Dutch)


​Hiring policy for volunteers

Wijdekerk Foundation has over fourty volunteers. Together they form the heart of our organization. In order to ensure that we hire volunteers who have honourable intentions, we use a short procedure: our hiring policy. 

The new volunteer first meets a member of the board. The volunteer signs the letter containing our vision (Dutch). For every volunteer a Certificate of Good Behaviour is requested.


Wijdekerk is thankful to be able to offer support to people and organizations that need it. We do so as a team, together with the partners in our network. Together we are Wijdekerk. We pray that our efforts help to make The Netherlands a safer place for LHBT+-persons. May God's love shine through us.


Confidential advisors 

Wijdekerk Foundation has two external confidential advisors: Ellemieke Tempelaar ( and Els van der Naalt ( They are the first people to contact in order to report a case of (suspected) transgressive behaviour by a volunteer of Wijdekerk Foundation.



We treat all the information that you give us confidentially. Personal details or addresses will only be used for aims that you have agreed upon. Read our privacystatement (Dutch).



Wijdekerk received in February 2020 the ANBI status. The effective date was backdated to January 1, 2019.

Wijdekerk ANBI.png
samen zijn wijdekerk

Wijdekerk Foundation


CoC : 70255547

IBAN : NL78 RABO 0197 9480 06

RSIN : 858217946



© Copyright 2016-2025 | Wijdekerk Foundation


We believe it is important that everyone can share his/her story here. These stories do not necessarily reflect the opinions of our team members. We aim not to judge, but to accept one another in love, as Jesus Christ teaches.


Authors are responsible for the content of their own stories. We, as a team, try our best to publish correct and authentic contributions on our website. If you discover any mistakes or inconsistencies, we ask you to notify us through our contact form. We will correct any mistakes as soon as we can.



Any information given to us is handled as strictly confidential. Personal information and addresses are only used for the purposes agreed to by you. 

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