General information church denominations
There are many different churches. If you are looking for a church, but seem a little lost, Wijdekerk can help you on your search. Below you will find a list with different church denominations. For more information you can click on the listed website.
Evangelische Broedergemeente
Ontstaan: 1722 in Saksen (D). Sinds 1736 in Nederland.
Karakter: Piëtistische opwekkingsbeweging
Quote: De Evangelische Broedergemeente (ook Hernhutters of Moravische broeders genoemd) hecht waarde aan oecumenische contacten en verbindingen. Kenmerken van ons kerkelijk leven zijn: openheid en verbondenheid. Een levend geloof aan Jezus Christus als Heer van de kerk en van het persoonlijk leven is bepalend voor ons kerkelijk leven.
Grootte: 7 gemeentes met 20 locaties
Reformed Association in the Protestant Church in the Netherlands
Founded: 1906
Nature: orthodox reformed
Quote: The start of the Reformed Association should be seen as the necessity to stand up within the Dutch Protestant Church for the Reformed tradition, as it’s worded within the Forms of Unity.
Size: 475 congregations
Kerkgenootschap van de Zevende-dags Adventisten
Ontstaan: 1863
Karakter: protestants adventisme
Quote: Zevendedagsdventisten leven met de Bijbel als leidraad. Dat is de reden dat ze samenkomen op sabbat (zaterdag). Daarnaast wordt de wederkomst van Christus en de gebeurtenissen daaromheen sterker benadrukt dan bij andere christelijke stromingen. Daarom is ook dat element opgenomen in de naam.
Grootte: 64 gemeenten en ongeveer 6.000 leden
Dutch Reformed Churches
Founded: May 1, 2023; a reunification of the Reformed Churches Liberated and the Dutch Reformed Churches.
Nature: reformed, from traditional to evangelical.
Quote: Being church together, forming a new community of churches is precious. A breach that is healed is a beautiful testimony. We want to listen to Jesus.
Size: 350 congregations.
New Apostolic Church in The Netherlands
Founded: 1878
Nature: orthodox
Quote: A church in which people feel at home and are filled by the Holy Spirit and the love for God, set their life up to the gospels of Jesus Christ, and by doing so they prepare for his return and the eternal life.
Size: 60 congregations, roughly 10,000 members
Protestant Church in The Netherlands
Founded: 2004 after a merge of several associations
Nature: from orthodox to liberal
Quote: In celebration, speech and act the Protestant Church in The Netherlands professes that Jesus Christ is our Lord and saviour. This is how we call for renewal of life in culture, society and state.
Size: roughly 1.85 million members
Rafaël Netherlands
Founded: 1980
Nature: evangelical
Quote: We long for everyone in the Netherlands to know that they are loved by God and are able to love others (Love). That he finds recovery and helps others to find recovery (Mend). That he develops (Train) and shares his life with those around him (Send)
Size: 35 congregations
Roman Catholic Church in The Netherlands
Founded: 1st century
Nature: catholic
Quote: Everyone belongs to the congregation of the catholic church who finds unity with the pope and the bishops by confession of the catholic faith and receiving the sacraments which connects to Christ.
Size: roughly 4 million members
Liberals in the Netherlands
Founded: 2018, to be a part of the Liberal Commission of the Netherlands 2020.
Nature: Connecting people who want to share inspiration and meaning.
Quote: Everyone can create an answer to the question what it means to be liberal.
Size: around 45 congregations of different sizes